Le Lycée professionnel national Maurice Yaméogo de Koudougou (LPNMY)

Le Lycée professionnel national Maurice Yaméogo de Koudougou (LPNMY)

facilities setting up

As they landed in Burkina faso on May 21st 2011, the team from Taïwan with m. Dai, Chief of the pedagogical section of the central vocational training center of Taichung, went to Koudougou to visit the building site of the senior vocational training center on sunday 22nd 2011. On tuesday may 24th, with the arrival of suppliers, the unloading (...)

Facilities setting

A team led by the coordinator and composed of the financial manager, the communication manager and the engineer in charge of constructions follow up was at Koudougou on tuesday may 17th 2011. The goal of this trip was to inform local and regional authorities about the setting up of facilities in the senior vocational school. At this effect, (...)

Building companies setting up

Contractors who won the bid for the building of the senior school of Koudougou have been officially set up on the building site today wednesday January 6th 2010. The main architector, members of the management and coordination unit of PRFP and members from the Infrastructures and Equipments component were present to this ceremony. The (...)

Vocational High School of Application

The building of a Vocational High School of Application at Koudougou that should serve as a lab to complete the training of instructors of vocational and technical education bu ENS/Uk. The budget allocated to it is four millions eight hundred thousand euros. The execution deadline of this vocational high school is three years (2008-2010). (...)